Saturday, February 7, 2015

Winning Combinations

I've always been on of those people who would rather park away from the store where my car would not get beet to death by the doors of other people.  It also afford me a few more steps.  I can not emphasize enough how those few steps, and the ones at the parking lot at work and the gym add a bit more to stretch my legs and hopefully stall another half pound of fat from finding a nesting spot.

So one of my revisions for the 2015 plan is more walking.  Now it isn't hard since all apartment complexes have an exercise room, and lord knows there are miles of sidewalks in Texas to enjoy.  But since being under employed, I have been loathe to get out and shop.  This may seems a crime to some folks-especially since Stonebriar Mall in Frisco is a scant mile from me.

So I tossed on my jeans (supposed to hit 70 this afternoon) and went to the mall.

It accomplish a myriad of things.  I got to spend time in Sephora with Kim who artfully showed me how to fill in my brows and helped select some blush.  (Not much of a girlie girl.  Even getting eye liner to work for me has taken instructions from Mollie Brodt who colored my hair and improved my life in many ways).

I talked to people!  I got stuff!  I walked the two story (yes) Barnes and Noble. Strolling a midst shelves of book covers is like visiting a chocolate shop for me.

It also put 2 miles on my pedometer.  SCORE!  I did my shopping, toured the Mall, interfaced with the native species, and got some exercise in.  This is exactly what the idea of a winning combination is.  It doesn't have to be painful, you don't need a trainer, you don't even really need an excuse.  Just do it.

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